Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today we started our new unit about how living things operate.

To start the unit we split into groups and each group made a poster which showed the main systems in a human body.

They are the Digestive System, the Circulatory System and the Respiratory System. Most students knew about the heart, lungs and stomach AND we will know more by the end of the term :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today we decided to see what happens when we placed more and more gravity force on a small boat. We split up into two teams and students designed and made their battleships using aluminium foil and packing tape.

We then had a friendly competition between members of the team by adding nails and weights into the battleships. The winner was the person whose boat sunk last.

There was lots of fun and co-operation and everyone was a winner because of the respectful attitude students were using. Brittany deserves special mention because of the way that she helped others - even students from the other team.

Well done, everyone.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Balanced or Not??

Today we looked more at how forces can move objects around. We used the example of skydivers, buses driving at top speed and other objects.

Several students helped the rest of class out by drawing force diagrams on the board and explaining issues. It is really pleasing to see students helping other students with their learning. 

We also completed our self-evaluation form at the back of our books - this is a way for each student to check out their behaviour and choices at the end of each period

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May the Force Be With You

We have started our new unit on Forces and Motion. We have learnt that Forces are all around us and we know that Forces are acting when things change direction, change shape or change speed. When a student passes a ball in netball, the change in the ball's direction and speed tells us that the student's hands have placed a force on the ball.

We decided to play ping-pong soccer to see what happens when we use our breath to place force on a small ball. The goal of the game was to blow the ball to our opponents side of the bench. Sometimes both players had equal puff and the ball did not move - this means that the two forces were balanced.

See the photos to watch the players in action.
The champ of the day was Troy Coughey and many others were highly successful too. We are going to do more experiments and show how forces affect our lives in many ways.

Look out for our upcoming video presentations!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Building Respect and Communication in the Team

Today 10M3 had its second 'Circle'. Circles are an activity which have been running at Rosehill College for several years.
The goal of Circles is to build understanding between members of the Circle by sharing opinions and experiences.

10M3 have proven to be very successful at Circles and we plan to continue using them throughout the year. Social Science, English, Science, English Language Support and Maths have alll agreed to donate time to run Circles.

At the end of Circle today Troy and Andre chose several Achievers for today.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Welcome to the 2010 Rosehill College 10SCV Young Scientists Blog. We hope that you enjoy getting to know our team and you enjoy seeing the activities we are involved in.

Most importantly, you need to know who we are. At the beginning of Term 2, this is the team:

Brittany Antonievic    MRR
Marium Butris                   MVA
Troy Coughey                     MVA
Billy-John Edwards    MWK
Bronwyn Gibb                   MST
Damian Gibbs          MST
Chasma Hura                      MBB
Tane Katipa                           MOF
Phillip Johnstone            MLS
Liam McHardy                 MOF
Jayden Morbey                 MLS
Shaun Paget-Buckley MMT
Victoria Piahana             MST
Andre Stubbing               MWK

We were sad to see Haylen Tuiri  MWK and Danielle Turnbull MRR move to another class in Term 1 but we hope that they are doing well and are happy.